Best Fourth of July Fishing Destinations

Few things go together as well as Independence Day and fishing do. There’s no better way of celebrating the day America won its freedom than getting out in the open and doing what you love. As we look forward to celebrating the nation’s birthday, we invite you to explore some of the best Fourth of …

Bluefin vs. Yellowfin Tuna

For big game anglers, fishing for Bluefin and Yellowfin Tuna is as good as it gets. Not only are the two fantastic fighters, but their culinary value is also off the charts. Bluefins and Yellowfins can sometimes look very similar, and on top of that, they often share common habitats. This can make it tricky …

Fishing Piers Around Wilmington: Our Top Picks

Wilmington and the surrounding area of beautiful New Hanover County are renowned for their spectacular coastal fishing. Here, something’s biting pretty much year round, and the best part is, it’s all happening right at your feet. To experience this incredible reel action first hand, all you need to do is visit one of the local …

Special Offers Now Available with FishingBooker!

How many times have you agreed on a custom trip with your guest over the phone? Now, you have the same level of flexibility right inside FishingBooker’s platform. Special offers let you set specific trip formats, group sizes, and pricing without changing your regular offer on your FishingBooker listing.  What are Special Offers? Just like …

Thousand Islands Open: Setting the Bar for Bass Fishing

Summer’s here, and that means Bass season to anglers in Ontario. Competitive types are honing their skills. Idle anglers discussing fishing spots. All of them have one species on the brain. Smallmouth Bass grow bigger and meaner here than almost anywhere else, making them the ideal target. And where better to take them on than at …

Bachelor Party Fishing Trips For Every Type of Guy

Every new chapter in life deserves a good party, none more so than the start of your marriage. To give your single life a proper send-off, you’ll want something you and your buddies will remember for the rest of your days. And there’s nothing like a good fishing excursion to make that happen. This shouldn’t …

Captain Intel – How to Stay Booked All Season

Bookings, bookings, bookings – that’s what both captains and anglers are all about, especially in the high season. Whether you’re just starting out with FishingBooker or you’ve been on the website for a while, some advice on how to make your listing look appealing to customers is always welcome. In this article we’ll share some …

How We Help You Get Booked – Working on Your Listings

From creating custom-made Google and Facebook ads to our friendly and professional support center, at FishingBooker we do our best to cover all the bases of advertising your company. One of the most important steps in this process is optimizing your listing. This is the domain of FishingBooker’s Content team. The creative minds behind the …

Bad Weather? Here’s How to Reschedule Your Trip

High season is here and, unfortunately, so are the bad weather reports! Bad weather can sour plans for both you and your customers, and sometimes your only option is to cancel the trips on your calendar. We all know how messy this can be! Here’s some advice on how to cancel a trip as efficiently …

The 8 Best Fishing Towns in Colorado

Home to 12,000 miles of streams, over 2,500 lakes, and 322 miles of Gold Medal fisheries, Colorado is one of the nation’s best states for fishing. The entire state is above 3,000 feet, so you’ll combine the incredible fishing with stunning views. Explore expansive rivers, narrow mountain streams, and natural and man-made lakes in any …

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