Basking Shark vs. Whale Shark: The Oceans’ Biggest Fish

Basking Sharks and Whale Sharks are true goliaths of the sea. They’re not just the largest Shark species, they’re the largest fish, period. But what’s the difference between a Whale Shark and a Basking Shark? Which is bigger? And perhaps most importantly, where can you go to see them? In this article, you can learn all you need to know these gentle giants.

Basking Shark vs. Whale Shark Size

A diagram showing the relative size of Basking Shark vs Whale Shark vs Human, with arrows and numbers showing how big they are. The Basking Shark is at the top, measuring 26 feet. The Basking Shark is at the top, measuring 26 feet. The Whale Shark is at the bottom, and is 33 feet long. A human diver is in the middle, and measures 5 feet 9 inches.

The first question most people ask about Whale and Basking Sharks is “which one’s the biggest?” They’re the two largest fish out there, after all. Whale Sharks usually grow bigger than Basking Sharks. The average fully-grown Whale Shark measures around 30–33’ long, while Basking Sharks are generally in the 20–26’ range.

However, both species can hit even more impressive sizes. In 2012, a 40’ Whale Shark was found and brought to shore off Karachi, Pakistan. There are also reports of Basking Sharks reaching 40 feet or more, but they come with a lot less evidence. The biggest Basking Sharks out there today are probably in the 30–35’ range.

Where to See Basking Sharks and Whale Sharks

A scuba diver swimming close right next to a Whale Shark, with light shining down from the surface of the sea above

Now for the fun part: Where should we go to see these incredible creatures? This is where the difference between Basking Shark vs. Whale Shark starts to show. They both live all around the world, but rarely show up in the same place at the same time.

Basking Sharks like cold water. The best place to see them is along the west coast of the United Kingdom, particularly around the Isle of Man, between England and Ireland. Whale Sharks like warm, tropical water, which is probably why you’ll find a lot more photos of people swimming with them. They’re a big draw for nature-loving tourists from Thailand to Tobago.

In the US, the best place to see Basking Sharks is probably off Cape Cod in Massachusetts. If you want to see Whale Sharks in the US, go to Hawaii, particularly off the west coast of Maui. That being said, you’ll have a lot more luck if you head down to Mexico or Belize.

More Whale Than Shark

A Basking Shark swimming along with its mouth open underwater
Don’t worry, Basking Sharks don’t bite.

When you think “Shark” what probably comes to mind is an apex predator. The stuff of Hollywood horrors. They’re mean, fast, and aggressive, right? With these guys, not so much. You can think of them more like whales with gills.

Basking and Whale Sharks are both filter feeders. They pull water through their mouths, combing it for plankton, krill, and other tiny lifeforms. You could easily fit in a Basking Shark’s mouth, but it would have no interest in eating you. This makes them pretty special in the Shark Family. In fact, there’s only one other Shark like them, the appropriately-named Megamouth Shark.

Basking Sharks and Whale Sharks tear up the rulebook of what it means to be a fish. They’re almost too big to believe, but they eat the smallest food imaginable. They’re Sharks, but they’re not at all predatory. They can dive thousands of feet down, but are just as happy in shallow bays. In short, they’re a very special pair that we should do our best to protect.

Keen to get your teeth into more Sharks? Come back tomorrow for more of the ocean’s deadliest predators, or check Shark Week Specials here!

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